Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Buck Stops Here!

I am currently reading a book by Andy Andrews, he has become one of my very favorite authors. His books are inspiring and really make you think. If you have never read one of his books I encourage you to pick one up and read it. Right now I am reading "The Traveler's Gift" Just reading the first section I was reminded of many things and wanted to comment on them. I decided to read a section each day (there are 7 lessons) then blog about what it means to me. I hope my ramblings on Andy's writing makes someone else think and more importantly encourages even just one person!

David Ponder is the main character in "The Traveler's Gift", he is experiencing devastation and is "traveling" to different historical people in time for some life lessons. His first lesson is "The Buck Stops Here" a quote made famous by Harry Truman. David's first response to his losing his job is, "Why me?". Isn't that response easy when we meet up with adversity? I myself have been very guilty of that response when things were not as I wanted them. There was a time when I was very angry with God and told Him so, and, I wanted to know WHY ME? Since then, I have also wondered, why me, but at the other end.... Why was I blessed with 4 beautiful, healthy children, who are productive, responsible adults? I know so many parents who have had to say good-bye to children, or who are heartbroken because of bad choices their children have made. Why was I given a safe, happy childhood? I know so many others who were sexually and/or physically abused by the very ones who should be protecting them. Why did God pick me to facilitate a healing bible-study for post-abortive women? There are so many other women who were much more educated and had better teaching skills. I could continue the list, I wonder why I have been so blessed. The funny thing is, all through the Bible, God used the misfits, the broken....the underdogs, to accomplish amazing things! He used people with brokenness who also wondered, why me?

We DO have control over our lives, yes there are things that happen to us that will knock us down, but we are totally in control of how we handle each situation in our life. Regardless of what has happened to us in the past we can't use it as an excuse for mistreating others. Our past should be used to comfort and encourage others, not be an excuse to tear others down.

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