Monday, April 29, 2013

There Are Many Times I Wonder....

There are many times I wonder... Why do slowpokes insist on driving in the left (Fast) lane? How is it that On a huge windshield the big juicy bug splats right in your line of vision??? Someone please explain to me why you have to starve yourself for a month to lose 3 pounds, but eat a 3 oz bag of M & Ms and you gain 7 pounds? How is it That when you look your worst you run into that person from your past that you least want to see? The question running through my mind right now is, why can I think of countless things to write about UNTIL I sit at the computer to write them? Whether it is for a Toastmasters speech or an attempt to write a book. The above goes hand in hand with why is it when you commit to do something it seems you encounter hurdle after hurdle? As I sit here with a blank mind I am reminded that anything worth doing is rarely easy. If everything was easy what would be the prize? Hard work in school is rewarded with good grades, which can lead to money in the form of scholarships. Dedication at your job is rewarded with.... well, these days, just keeping your job! I think of the times God has urged me to do something and I actually heard Him and did it, the reward is an incredible feeling knowing I have made a difference in someone's life. So why is it that so many times I am deaf to the countless opportunities God whispers to me? Why don't I hear His "voice" all the time? Life is full of questions, most of our questions get answered in some way, but sometimes we don't get an answer, or at least not the answer we want. Sometimes we cry out to God to rescue us from some trial or tribulation in our life, and we are angry when He doesn't, we assume He doesn't care about us. Sometimes instead of rescuing us, He walks through the trail with us. Sometimes He just gives us the strength to keep breathing. Of all the questions we may have in this life there is one thing we can know, that if you earnestly seek God, you will find Him! When you find Him, He will never leave you. Period.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes he puts people in your life "Jesus with skin on" as I've help carry u through.

Anonymous said...

So glad to read your blog.:-)There can be many questions in life, but when God is the center of your life, then everything else passes away. You find that there is nothing more important than God. You come to realize that this world is just a small part of the big picture which is why we live such a short life here compared to eternity. The important thing is to always cultivate that relationship with God, to learn to lean on Him and depend upon Him for everything. To acknowledge Him in all our ways, and eventually we come to understand that in our flesh is found no good thing, and the only way to have peace, joy, and love in our life is to allow Jesus Christ to dwell fully in us, and to guide us and be our navigator all through this life. I have found that I do not want to make any decisions on my own, that I was God to make each and every decision for me. I live only to do one thing, that is His will. Nothing else in this world matters to me other than that. :-) I did not mean to ramble on. I hope what I have shared brings peace and joy. :-)