Zoie Girl!
Anyone who has had a dog has seen a sneak peak of God's Love for us, it's that true unconditional love that mere humans find impossible. Zoie was a perfect example of that love. She brought so much happiness (and fur) into our lives. We rescued her when she was 3-4 years old, that was just a little over 10 years ago.
Zoie was a sociable dog, she was happiest when there were new people to pet her. For some reason she thought humans were created to love on her. She especially loved kids for that reason, they would hug her and let her give kisses.
Zoie entertained us with her talking, Ray loved to get her going and would ask "Zoie, who is the bad one of the family?" to which Zoie would "reply" MAAAMAAA. Ray thought it was hilarious. when my nephew Jacob spent a couple of weeks with us when he was 12 he worked and worked with Zoie to get her to talk. He succeeded and it was a proud moment when Jacob and Zoie performed for me.
You knew where Zoie had been, her hair was proof! Good heavens that dog shed like crazy, year round! I kept a lint remover in my car and at work because if she walked within 5 feet of you, you would have hair all over you. She loved eggs and on Sunday morning when Ray would pull the egg tray out she would start pacing and in her younger days talking. She also loved to camp. She knew when we were getting the camper ready and she would go bezerk! And yes, she was constantly walking through my flowers!
I have countless Zoie stories, she was smart, loveable and wanted to be with us all the time. You truly could not keep yourself from falling in love with Zoie if you met her.
I know we all have memories of pets, funny stories that we love to tell. What a wonderful gift God gave us when He created dogs.
Thank you God for allowing us to be Zoie's parents for 10 years. I will never forget her!
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